2024-25 WCCSC Membership Registration OPEN!
Full Membership fees are as follows:
Family Membership: $95.00 (residing in the same residence)
Individual Membership: $60.00
Junior Membership: $20.00 (under 18)
Online registration is now available at Zone 4. Click the button below to take you right to the Whiteshell Ski Club Registration page.
In addition to the hundreds of hours in volunteer effort, these cross country ski trails require a considerable financial outlay by the members of the Club for trail maintenance, equipment, etc. A donation by visitors towards maintenance of these trails would be greatly appreciated.
Mail: Whiteshell Cross-Country Ski Club, Box 438, Pinawa, MB R0E 1L0
Alternatively, you can leave a donation in the donation boxes located inside each cabin, and at the trail head at the end of Highway 211.
Thank you and enjoy our trails.
WCCSC Endowment Fund
Our Ski Club has set up an Endowment Fund through the Pinawa Foundation. Contributions are added to the capital in the Fund, from which the Ski Club receives an annual disbursement of around 4% of the capital. As of November 2024, the amount in the Fund is over $11,000.
The Endowment Fund offers two significant benefits:
For people who give to the Pinawa Foundation, they can direct all or part of their donation specifically to the Ski Club.
Secondly, a tax receipt is issued for any donation over $20.
Please contact with any questions. To make a contribution to this fund, please contact the Pinawa Foundation.