

    LOPPET UPDATE      -- March 13, 2024   

The Loppet Committee has really struggled with the idea of calling it quits on hosting the Manitoba Loppet this year. We were hoping that conditions would not be as bad as we feared, with all the warm weather we have had lately. But in examining the potential course today, there is too much bare ground, water, and ice to allow us to prepare a decent race course of any considerable distance. Therefore, with reluctance, we have to admit that the Loppet is not going to happen this year.

That said, realize that this is a decision we are making with our heads, but not our hearts. We are holding on to a glimmer of hope that enough of the snow on the Golf Course will remain into this weekend to allow us to throw together an informal race. This would be a spontaneous, “throw-down” race on a short course. It would likely be the last chance to race this season.

We won’t be able to make a final decision on this until Saturday, once we can see what kind of precipitation we receive on Friday. If you are keen to have one final hurrah this season, check with us on Saturday, and be prepared to jump into race mode and have some fun with us on Sunday.

Our 50th Anniversary Celebrations,  held on Feb 18th were a wonderful way to mark our achievements as a club.  

It also demonstrated our abilities to adapt, as the dismal snowfall this winter and unusual warmth made it very difficult to plan typical ski activities.  

The Group Ski event on Sunday morning saw over a dozen skiers meet at 11:00 am, to ski the West Loop of the Golf Course.  A few also added Pumphouse Hill just for the thrill. 

In the afternoon, about 25 skiers of all ages met behind Lewis Centre to play games on skis.  A big thank you to our Jackrabbit coaches for organizing the fun games, and to everyone else for their enthusiastic participation.

The 50th Anniversary Dinner and Dance at the Pinawa Club was attended by over 50 people, who enjoyed a fabulous meal, and had a great time on the dance floor.

The 45th Manitoba Loppet was held on Sunday, Feb 5, 2023.  Seventy-six skiers raced in four categories: 30 km, 15 km, 6 km and 3 km.  It was a fantastic day, and many volunteers helped to make this event a success. Thank you to all who helped out!

45th Manitoba Loppet -- Feb 5, 2023

45th Manitoba Loppet - Feb. 20, 2022 - CANCELLED

Covid/Cabin Update Jan 17, 2022

Covid Update - All Cabins Closed - Nov 15, 2020 1:59:8 AM

2020/2021 Club Registration - Oct 18, 2020 1:31:25 AM

2020 Loppet Results and Photos - Feb 11, 2020 1:32:6 AM

The Doreen and Robert Dick Story - Feb 20, 2016 6:26:24 AM